Joy Air :...: JOY
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Joy Air :...: JOY
La très jeune cie chinoise fondée par le fabricant national AVIC et China Eastern a débuté ses operations avec un Xian MA 60 ( amélioration du Xian Youn 7 lui même copié sur l'Antonov An 26 )
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La commande de 50 ARJ 21 par cette cie explique la présence d'AVIC
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Deux courts articles
ATWonline :
Joy Air was expected to start formal operations over the weekend with a fleet of three Chinese-produced MA60 regional aircraft.
The official launch of the Xi'an-based carrier comes after a one-month trial period. It is expected to introduce three more MA60s by year end and plans to acquire 50 of the type, plus 50 ARJ21s, over the next eight years.
Joy is a joint venture in which AVIC is the controlling stakeholder with a 95% holding while China Eastern Airlines holds the remaining 5% [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]. Though CAAC has announced that it will not approve any new entrants before 2010, Joy was approved because it promised to operate a fleet of domestically manufactured regional aircraft.
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Et cctv :
Joy Air, un transporteur dans lequel ont conjointement investi le premier constructeur aéronautique chinois, l'AVIC et China Eastern Airlines, a effectué son baptême de l'air samedi. L'appareil a quitté Xi'an à 11 heures 6. Il a transporté 32 passagers vers Yan'an en 50 minutes.
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La commande de 50 ARJ 21 par cette cie explique la présence d'AVIC
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Deux courts articles
ATWonline :
Joy Air was expected to start formal operations over the weekend with a fleet of three Chinese-produced MA60 regional aircraft.
The official launch of the Xi'an-based carrier comes after a one-month trial period. It is expected to introduce three more MA60s by year end and plans to acquire 50 of the type, plus 50 ARJ21s, over the next eight years.
Joy is a joint venture in which AVIC is the controlling stakeholder with a 95% holding while China Eastern Airlines holds the remaining 5% [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]. Though CAAC has announced that it will not approve any new entrants before 2010, Joy was approved because it promised to operate a fleet of domestically manufactured regional aircraft.
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Et cctv :
Joy Air, un transporteur dans lequel ont conjointement investi le premier constructeur aéronautique chinois, l'AVIC et China Eastern Airlines, a effectué son baptême de l'air samedi. L'appareil a quitté Xi'an à 11 heures 6. Il a transporté 32 passagers vers Yan'an en 50 minutes.
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