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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

Message par Philand Jeu 10 Sep 2009, 10:52

Il y aurait 12 candidats, mais il manque quelques noms. BMIBaby interrssearit qui, FlyBE...?

Sur Aerocontact :

FRANCFORT, 9 septembre (Reuters) - La compagnie aérienne BMI, propriété de la Lufthansa , a suscité des marques
s'intérêt de la part de 12 candidats, rapporte le Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung à paraître jeudi.

Les 12 candidats sont intéressés par la reprise de la totalité de BMI ou par ses filiales BMI Baby ou BMI Regional, précise le quotidien allemand.

British Airways et Virgin Atlantic figurent parmi les acquéreurs potentiels.

Lufthansa s'est refusé à tout commentaire.

Selon le Sunday Times, British Airways envisage une offre sur BMI et des discussions entre BA et Lufthansa ont déjà eu lieu.

(Eva Kühnen et Maria Sheahan, version française Danielle Rouquié)

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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

Message par Paddy Lun 14 Sep 2009, 10:45

Parmi les attraits qu'offre BMI, voir aussi les droits de trafic à London Heathrow [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] Les places sont chères !

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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

Message par DayAfter Jeu 17 Sep 2009, 13:32

BA confirme avoir des discussions avec DLH à propos de BMI

Sur aerocontact :

LONDRES, 16 septembre (Reuters) -
British Airways est intéressé par son concurrent britannique bmi et a discuté avec son propriétaire actuel Lufthansa , a déclaré Willie Walsh, directeur général de la compagnie aérienne, dans un entretien publié mercredi par The Evening Standard.

Si Lufthansa, qui passe ses options en revue au sujet de bmi, se décidait à vendre, British Airways "serait intéressé", dit-il.

"Il va se passer quelque chose, même si Lufthansa veut examiner toutes les possibilités (avant de vendre).
Nous leur avons dit notre position
", ajoute Willie Walsh.

La semaine dernière, un journal allemand avait rapporté que Lufthansa avait reçu pour bmi des marques d'intérêt de 12
acheteurs potentiels, dont Virgin Atlantic et British Airways.

(John Stonestreet, version française Benoit Van Overstraeten)

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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

Message par vanDer. Mar 29 Sep 2009, 08:23

FlyBe dans la boucle. La participation de BA dans FlyBe n'aurait rien à voir....

L'article d'ATWonline :

Flybe is interested in acquiring parts of bmi and officially confirmed its interest to Lufthansa "quite awhile ago," Chairman and CEO Jim French told ATWOnline.

Lufthansa said earlier this month that it had received interest from 12 potential buyers for the sale of bmi, in which it holds an 80% stake [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].
"The bigger issue is, from what we understand, that the bmi losses are much higher than previously reported," French told this website, adding, "Some parts of the [bmi] business fit in very well in our network, but we are a very low risk company so any kind of deal will require a very detailed due diligence." Bmi's losses will amount to £150-£170 million on revenue of around £1 billion this year, according to some media reports.

Europe's largest independent regional, which was presented with ATW's Regional Airline of the Year Award for 2009, is not solely interested in bmi regional but also in some parts of the mainline operations at London Heathrow, French said.
However, he dismissed reports in the Sunday Times that a potential purchase of bmi's LHR operation or part of it would be done through some form of partnership with British Airways, which also has indicated interest in buying bmi but might not get regulatory clearance for the acquisition owing to its large presence at LHR.

"There is no arrangement whatsoever with BA," French stressed, noting that BA's 15% shareholding in Flybe is totally unrelated to the matter and BA has no seat on the board. But he added that Flybe has made its interest known "to all
parties, including Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa as well as BA. . .indicating we would be open to some kind of agreement with one of them."
Virgin Atlantic is considering its own bid for bmi and insiders have indicated to this website they believe BA would participate in the bidding process mainly to run up the price to its archrival.

Separately, French said he was thrilled about the agreement with the new Olympic Air to wet-lease nine of Flybe's Q400s for a period of 12-18 months. The successor to Olympic Airways will buy two of nine aircraft and also take over some delivery positions Flybe holds with Bombardier.
"This is a great deal," he commented. "It helps us bridge the recession and it helps Olympic to get started."

by Cathy Buyck

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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

Message par Luftag Jeu 01 Oct 2009, 18:29

DLH achète les 20% de BMI détenus par SAS, ça se précise

Sur Airwise ( Reuters ) : October 1, 2009

Lufthansa has agreed to buy the 20 percent of bmi it does not yet own from Scandinavia's SAS, boosting its holding in the British carrier to 100 percent.

Germany's flagship carrier had previously said it was in talks to buy the stake and had said it aimed to come to an
agreement with SAS by the end of this year.

Lufthansa said on Thursday it agreed to pay about GBP19 million pounds (USD$30.6 million) for the stake, plus another GBP19 million to cancel a 1999 shareholder agreement relating to bmi.

If Lufthansa decides to sell bmi, as a whole or in parts, it will pay a further unspecified sum to SAS within the next two years, Lufthansa said.

It has said it is considering all options for bmi, ranging from keeping the company to a complete sale. Media reports have said that bmi has attracted the interest of 12 potential buyers.

British Airways' CEO Willie Walsh confirmed in a newspaper interview this month that he would be interested in bmi if Lufthansa decided to sell the carrier.

Bmi, which traces its roots to a 1938 flight school for Royal Air Force pilots, carried 10 million passengers in 2008, generating revenues of GBP1.04 billion (USD$1.7 billion). It posted a full-year loss of almost GBP100 million.

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IAG : BA & BMI Empty Re: IAG : BA & BMI

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