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Mistubishi MRJ

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Mistubishi MRJ - Page 2 Empty Re: Mistubishi MRJ

Message par InPix Mer 15 Sep 2010, 08:39

Trans State !

Voilà un excellent démarrage....dont nous attendons confirmation.
Il faudrait savoir quels sont les obstacles encore à franchir ( merci Boeing ;) ).


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Mistubishi MRJ - Page 2 Empty Re: Mistubishi MRJ

Message par Wax Jeu 30 Sep 2010, 05:05

Début de la fabrication du MRJ à Nagoya. "Design review complete"

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Production of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) has started today, with the first metal cut for the aircraft's horizontal stabiliser by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI).

The manufacturing work kicked off at a ceremony at MHI's Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works, where aluminium material was cut for the horizontal stabiliser's frame component, says Mitsubishi Aircraft (MJET).

"Following MHI's lead, project partners will now launch manufacturing of the various components they are responsible for, based on the production drawings," it adds.

"The start of the MRJ's production indicates that development of the aircraft's production drawings is progressing after detailed design review this summer."

MJET completed the design review of the MRJ earlier this month. The 90-seater aircraft's first flight is scheduled for the second quarter of 2012, with first delivery to launch customer All Nippon Airways (ANA) in the first quarter of 2014.

MHI is manufacturing the MRJ's major components, including the fuselage, wing, empennage and core system. It is also responsible for the final assembly and equipment installation of the aircraft.

"Going forward, MHI and MJET continue to devote their utmost efforts to make the MRJ project a success, aiming to play a significant role in the ongoing development of the global aviation industry," says MJET.

ANA has placed a firm order for 15 aircraft with 10 options.

Besides the Japanese airline, American regional carrier Trans State Holdings has signed a letter of intent for 50 firm orders and 50 options.

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Mistubishi MRJ - Page 2 Empty Re: Mistubishi MRJ

Message par Upset Sam 09 Oct 2010, 20:20

Hideo Egawa, President - Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. répond aux questions d' ATN - Air Transport News -

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ATN : What is the competitive advantage of the new aircraft ?

MRJ : We can demonstrate three main features of the aircraft. First of all we are proud of fuel consumption. MRJ will have more than 20% better performance than the other aircrafts from the same class because we adopted state-of-the-art design as well as the new Geared Turbofan (GTF) engine.

Therefore the aircraft will significantly cut fuel consumption, noise & emissions what will limit environmental impact.

As I have mentioned before, a big advantage for airlines is the fuel efficiency of the airplane.
Daily cost of operations will be about 40% less with our airplane than the airlines have to pay now.

That makes a big difference.
The MRJ will feature a human centered flight deck, very pleasant cockpit with big display, it is the same one that 787 has.

Cross section will be high enough to stand where slim seat will give more space and better comfort for passengers.

Summarizing, the airplane biggest advantages are low operating cost, comfortable cabin and environmental performance.

ATN : How better is the ‘slim seat’ solution you designed ?

MRJ : Advantage of the slim seats is bigger distance between the front seat and the knee of a passenger.

According to our calculation we can gain 2 inches of additional space per seat than other aircrafts from the same class.

ATN : You have mentioned lower operating costs. Will you use composite materials ?

MRJ : The weight of MRJ will be minimized by using carbon fibre-composite material technology in of MRJ.

ATN : Will all the materials come from Mitsubishi or other subcontractors ?

MRJ : Some parts will be developed and manufactured by our partners but majority will be produced by Mitsubishi.
The company will be assessing all subcontractors.

ATN : How many orders do you expect and how many of them do you need to breakeven ?

MRJ : I do not have any specific number, or requirements.

Currently we have two orders, 25 aircrafts for All Nippon Airways from Japan and 100 aircrafts for Trans States Holdings from America.

We have just started intensive sale activities therefore we expect further orders in the close future. Breakeven is a very sensitive question, I cannot tell the number but usually it takes a long time for any aircraft manufacturer.

ATN : Which markets are you targeting in ?

MRJ : Roughly speaking we estimate that 40% of our market will be in the United States and 30% accounts for European market.

The remaining 30% will be Asian and others.

ATN : You already have orders for MRJ 90 and just options for MRJ 70. Does it mean that the first airplane to produce will be MRJ 90 ?

MRJ : Yes, the first will be MRJ 90 and then maybe a year later we will test the MRJ 70.

ATN : Do you plan to produce bigger aircraft than MRJ 90 ?

MRJ : Yes, that will be MRJ 100. We think about it because European JARs require that there must be one cabin crew member for every 50 passenger seats installed on the same deck of the airplane.

Therefore I would like to develop also an aircraft with 100 seats.

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Mistubishi MRJ - Page 2 Empty Re: Mistubishi MRJ

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