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Vueling : Clickair

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Vueling : Clickair Empty Vueling : Clickair

Message par Patts Dim 05 Juil 2009, 09:50

La fusion des deux LCC espagnoles Vueling et Clickair devrait être bientôt effective. VY....

Vueling, VY : VLG, fut fondée en 2004 et exploite 17 Airbus A320-211 et 214 ( + 2 actuellement loués à Air Arabia )

Clickair, XG : CLI, fut créé avec des avions d'Iberia en 2006 et opère 23 A 320-211, 214 et 216

Tous les A 320 utilisés par l'une ou l'autre sont à motorisation CFMI

Le compte-rendu de l'état de la fusion sur Air TRansport News :

--Five year-old Vueling, the Spanish low fare airline, will formally combine with its rival clickair on the 9th of July to create what the new Vueling CEO Alex Cruz calls ‘a merger of equals.’ On Monday 29th June the Spanish stock market regulator CNMW exempted Iberia from making a takeover bid for the new airline but Iberia will hold a 45.85% shareholding in the new Vueling.

--When the union is formally registered next week the 36-month old clickair brand will disappear and Vueling will have Spanish flag carrier Iberia, still a competitor in some routes, as a key shareholder. The new airline will be the second Spanish airline and a sizeable player in the LCC market, flying 11 million passengers a year from six key bases in Spain
including its Barcelona Airport HQ. The new Vueling will encompass a route network of almost 50 destinations.

--Alongside the Iberia shareholding in the new Vueling are Hemisferio/Planeta with 14.3%; Nefinsa, owner of regional Spanish airline Air Nostrum, and a current clickair partner, 4.15%. A number of small shareholders will have nearly 5% with the remainder of the shares will be traded on the Spanish stock market under Vueling’s current listing (VLG; Reuters: VLG.MC, Bloomberg: VLG SM).

--The new Vueling (IATA code VY) will operate 35 Airbus A320s (18 aircraft coming from clickair and 17 from Vueling). It will serve a total of 46 airports (all main hub airports and terminals) embracing a total of 92 routes. clickair and
Vueling have an overlap of 17 routes, equivalent to 21% of ASK’s, but this overlapping capacity will be used to strengthen weaker routes and launch new, viable ones, said Alex Cruz. He highlighted: “The new Vueling must deliver a three year plan to the Board in October and ‘a zero growth plan is unlikely to be acceptable.”

Vueling to be new name in the UK

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Vueling will be a new name to the UK and London Heathrow Airport from mid July, absorbing clickair’s daily flights to Seville, La Coruna, Bilbao, in addition to its summer flights to Vigo, returning for the summer since 1 June and now from
LHR where the new Vueling will focus its UK operations. It will also retain current clickair flights to North Africa (Casablanca and Marrakech) and into Eastern Europe including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Budapest and Bucharest. Italy will continue to be Vueling’s second biggest market after Spain for the new company. Madrid will feature prominently on the new Vueling’s network as one of its six key Spanish bases. The others are Barcelona, Seville, Bilbao, Malaga and Valencia.
The new Vueling will cater for 70% leisure/30% business travellers, said Cruz.

Effective 7th July, clickair’s personnel will move to Vueling’s offices at El Prat Airport, just 1km away. The total combined workforce will number a 1,300, including flight crew and office staff.

Background to merger

clickair and Vueling signed a Memorandum of Understanding in summer 2008 to operate under the Vueling brand and remain headquartered in Barcelona having agreed to join forces earlier last year to better tackle competition in the Spanish and ‘Euro-Mediterranean’ markets.

Current operations

Vueling: Operates a fleet of 17 aircraft on 45 routes centred around three bases. Its market share in Barcelona is 12.2%.

clickair: Operates 18 aircraft and 48 routes centred around five bases. Its market share in Barcelona is 14.4%.

The new Vueling – a European-wide ‘new generation’ low fares airline Will serve 18 countries, including the UK
(remaining the only true low fares airline at London Heathrow Airport). It will serve 46 airports from six key bases and operate a total of 92 routes. The merger will create a more attractive product for the customer.

The company will generate revenues of some Euros €800 million per annum. The breakdown is expected as follows: =45%; Iberia codeshare 25%; Vueling’s own GDS 15%; Online travel agents 10% and other channels 10%.


In the initial budget the synergies resulting from this merger should generate between €40 million and €45 million in a normal year. Over three years the cost synergies will be up to €75 million.
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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par JETHRO Ven 24 Juil 2009, 09:15

Les résultats de Vueling 2Q9 reflètent un redressement inhabituel dans la conjoncture globale.

La fusion avec Clickair est effective depuis le 15 juillet.

Le compte rendu complet assez long et fourni sur ATN , en langue anglaise ( rien trouvé en français ou en espagnol aussi détaillé ) :

Vueling turned a €13.4m operating profit (excluding restructuring costs) during the second quarter in the year, with an operating margin of 12.7%—a 23-point improvement when compared to the same period one year earlier (operating losses of €11.3m and a negative margin of -10.2%).

Vueling broke even on a yearly, 12-rolling month basis, with a €17.5m operating profit before restructuring costs being factored in.

Revenue per passenger stood stable, at €75.36 per passenger, in spite of the overall economic backdrop and much lower fuel prices. Ancillary revenue decreased 14.9% to €9.69 per passenger, as a consequence of the EU opt-in policy on online insurance, while pure fare revenue increased by 3.3% to €54.81 per passenger.

Seat load factor improved by 3.7 percentage points and reached 73.1%.

Revenue per flight increased by 5.3% to €9,870 as a consequence of the two factors above: stable yields and improving seat load-factors.

Travel-agent sales stood around 22% of Vueling’s ticket revenue, 20 points above the same period on a year earlier.

The overall unit cost base decreased by 17.3%% to 4.98 Euro cents per ASK, as a consequence of dropping oil prices and good fuel hedges. Vueling’s non-fuel cost base, on the other hand, increased by 5.1%, to 4.12 Euro cents per ASK. During the quarter, Vueling saved €27m in fuel expenditure as compared to Q2 08.

Vueling’s cash position, as of July 20th, was of €114.7m.

Outlook for Q3

Prospects for Q3 are positive, as bookings are evolving cautiously well. On top of that, merger synergies will be in full swing during the quarter, which will include:

Cost synergies in advertising, structure and handling, with the aim of reducing Vueling’s non-fuel cost base. Revenue synergies as a consequence of the Vueling brand rollout, the cancellation of overlapping frequencies and the effect of
the Iberia code-share on Vueling revenue streams.

The accomplishment of these synergies will become Vueling’s main objective in the coming months, and will be the driver allowing the company to keep its competitive edge and cost-position.

While possible increases in fuel prices remain a source of concern, the company expects to post a pre-tax (EBT) profit for the full-year period, even after restructuring costs are factored into.

Business review

On the second quarter of 2009 Vueling completed the implementation of its restructuring plan. The plan, which rested upon four pillars (network rationalization, access to new market segments, focus on ancillary revenue, and cost-base reduction), was completed with a set of results that can be illustrated with the following data:

- Capacity stabilized, at 17 aircraft

- Rising load factors, 3.7 pp. up, to 73.1%, in Q2

- Stable revenue per passenger levels, at €75.36 per passenger

- Rising revenue per flight levels, 5.3% up to €9,378

As a consequence of the plan, Vueling managed to break even on a yearly, 12-rolling month basis, with a €17.5m operating profit to June 30th, before restructuring costs being factored in.

The plan’s final consolidation took place ahead of Vueling’s merger which Clickair, effective on July 15th.

Revenue and traffic

As it has been the case since the implementation of the restructuring plan, during the second quarter of 2009, revenue per flight optimization remained Vueling’s fundamental commercial target. In this particular quarter, such optimization (5.3% up in the quarter, 10.0% up in the semester) was down to:

- A stable revenue per passenger level, which grew just by 0,2% to €75.36, in spite of (a) the overall economic backdrop and (b) the decrease in oil prices, a circumstance that would theoretically see important downward pressure on yields.

- And an increasing load-factor level, 3.7 pp. up, to 73.1%.

Overall, gross revenue decreased by 5.3%, to €105.4m, at a much slower pace than ASK supply (9.3% down, to 1,849m, as a consequence of Vueling’s fleet reduction programme after the cancellation of non-profitable routes).

Ancillary revenues’ weight within the overall revenue mix decreased as also did the ancillary revenue per passenger level (14.9% down to €9.69), as a result of the EU new opt-in policy on travel insurance, which has affected conversion rates on this particular product.

On Q2 09, out of every €100 taken by the company, €72.7 came from ticket revenue, €14.4 from fees and charges, and €12.9 from ancillary products. With regards to unit revenues (revenue per available seat-kilometre), they increased by 4.4% to 5.70 Euro cents per ASK, in spite of the average sector length being increased by just 0.8%. Revenues for the semester grew by 11.2% to 5.36 Euro cents per ASK—in this case with a 1% decrease in average sector length. On June 16th 2008, Vueling started its GDS rollout. In the slightly over 9 months since that
date, indirect channel sales grew from a symbolic amount to become Vueling’s fastest growing revenue stream, over and above 20% of Vueling ticket revenue.


Vueling’s quarterly cost base benefited significantly from much lower fuel prices, as well as of the company’s hedging policy, to the point that Vueling saved €27m in fuel alone during the period—a 63% saving year on year. Fuel made variable costs drop by 30.6% in spite of the slight increase (1.4%) in the rest of variables.

As a consequence of the drop in prices, fuel ceased to be the single most important expenditure in the company. On a unit base, Vueling cost base was reduced accordingly, the main driver being, again, fuel costs, which went from 2.10
Euro cents per ASK in Q2 08 to less than half that amount, 0.86 Euro cents, in Q2 09. That made the overall cost base to reduce by more that 17%.

However, the non-fuel cost base increased by 5.1% as a consequence of the reduction of fleet size and the ensuing loss of economies of scale. That is also true in the semester’s figure: 7.2% up.

Vueling’s merger with Clickair will allow the company to improve its non-fuel cost base, as a result of savings in advertising, structure and handling, and the operation of a much larger fleet—from 17 aircraft in the stand-alone Vueling to 35 in the post-merger one.


Vueling served 24 airports as of June 30th, 1 more airport than on the same date one year earlier, with a fleet made up of 17 Airbus A-320, one of the youngest in Europe, with an average age of a bit over 3 years.

During Q2 Vueling operated 4 fewer aircraft on average (17 vs. 21) that on the same period the previous year, a 19 % reduction.

In spite of the smaller fleet, aircraft productivity, measured in block-hours per flight and day, improved by 8.8% during the quarter, going from 11.08 to 12.05 block hours.

During Q4 Vueling kept on operating out of its Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville bases, and opened a summer base in Ibiza, where it operated 6 domestic and 3 international routes. No incidences of note took place during the quarter.

As a result of its recent merger with Clickair, Vueling is now operating 3 more bases—Valencia, Malaga, and Bilbao—on
top of the abovementioned ones.

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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par Grantt Ven 09 Oct 2009, 23:13

Vueling nouveau : + 91 % sur le trafic, avec bien sur Clickair !

Spanish no-frills airline Vueling on Friday posted a 91 percent jump in passenger traffic to 955,708 in September from a year ago, helped by its merger with Iberia's low-cost subsidiary Clickair in July.

Vueling's load factor rose 6.6 percentage points to 76.9 percent in September.

A doubling of the airline's Madrid-Barcelona frequency to 10 flights per day in September also helped fuel the strong numbers, a Vueling spokesman said, as the company captured business clients who are seeking cheaper travel.

"We're increasing the Madrid-Barcelona flights to 12 a day this month," the spokesman said.

Low-cost European rivals easyJet and Ryanair also recorded rises in passenger numbers in September, boosting hopes that demand for budget air travel was recovering from the slump caused by the global recession.

Domestic rival Iberia is due to publish its September traffic figures on October 15.


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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par Grantt Ven 09 Oct 2009, 23:26

La flotte de Vueling : VY : VLG: de Planespotters, thanks

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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par Grantt Ven 09 Oct 2009, 23:28

Et clle de Clickair : XG : AIS : même source, merci

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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par Grantt Ven 09 Oct 2009, 23:34

Motorisations des deux compagnies

A 320-211 : CFM56-5A1

A 320-214 : CFM56-5B4/P

A 320-216 : CFM56-5B6/P

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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par KUNDT Mar 27 Oct 2009, 18:39

Lara veut vendre

MADRID, 27 oct 2009 (AFP)

Le deuxième actionnaire de la compagnie aérienne espagnole à bas coût Vueling, Inversiones Hemisferio, bras financier de la famille Lara, qui possède l'éditeur Planeta, veut vendre sa participation de 14% dans le transporteur,
selon un communiqué publié mardi.

©️ 2009 AFP

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Messages : 886
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Vueling : Clickair Empty Re: Vueling : Clickair

Message par CHEYENNE Mer 28 Oct 2009, 10:34

Vueling, après fusion avec Clickair, annonce des résultats positifs. Les comparaisons year over year ne peuvent s'appliquer qu'à Vueling

L'an dernier certains tiraient la sonnette d'alarme, beau rétablissement.

Le classement espagnol, à la fin du papier d'Airtranportnews nous en apprend... Ryanair N°1 ?

Vueling turned a €68.1m operating profit during the third quarter of the year, with a 26.3% operating margin — a 10.2-point increase when compared to the same period one year earlier (operating profit of €24.7m, and a 16.1% margin).

In the 9 months to September 30th, Vueling made a €71.9m operating profit — a 16.3% margin, with a 21.6-point increase on a year earlier.

Total revenue reached €259.2m during the quarter, and increased by 68.6% when compared to the same period on a year earlier. On a unit basis, revenue per ASK decrease by just 1.3%, mainly as a consequence of a lift in fuel surcharges. Gross revenue for the nine months to September was of €441m.

Vueling operated 23,630 flights during the quarter, 79.7% more than in the same period on a year earlier. Not only there were more flights, but these were also better filled: its quarterly seat load-factor increased by 2.1 points, to 80%.

Travel-agent sales decisively contributed to the increase in passenger numbers and gross revenue, and accounted for one-third of Vueling’s scheduled revenue, as a consequence of Vueling’s own GDS constant rollout and of code-share agreements with Iberia.

The overall unit cost base decreased by 13.2%% to 5.14 Euro cents per ASK, as a consequence of dropping oil prices and cautious fuel hedging. During the quarter, Vueling’s gross fuel bill was 15.0% lower in comparison to the same period last year, in spite of the company operating a much larger fleet—of 35 aircraft vs 20 in Q3 08.

As a consequence of the merger with Clickair, the new Vueling became Spain’s fourth largest carrier, after Ryanair, Iberia, and easyJet and, at any rate, the leading carrier in 4 of its 7 bases: Barcelona (with a 24% of market share), Seville (34%), Bilbao (17%) and Ibiza (14%).

Vueling’s cash position, as of September 30th, was of €149.1m, which included proceeds from a €12.5m credit line.

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