Airbus A380
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Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Ven 13 Mai 2011, 19:18
AIRBUS A380 : Retards dans les livraisons.
Airbus pourrait bien ne livrer que 26 A380 cette année, soit deux de moins que prévu en début d'année. Deux exemplaires destinés à Emirates. Par contre, la production de 34 A380 en 2012, puis de 39 en 2013 est toujours d'actualité. Le mois de mai sera un moment faste pour le très gros-porteur avec cinq livraisons sur ce seul mois dont le premier à Korean Air. Cette dernière réceptionnera le plus grand nombre d'A380 cette année, à égalité avec Qantas, soit cinq appareils chacune
Jeannot- Membre
- Messages : 10002
Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Sam 14 Mai 2011, 02:40
Oui ! J'aimerais pouvoir obtenir la confirmation selon laquelle le Juge en question n'aurait même pas demandé aux Auditeurs concernés une explication des méthodes comptables appliquées et leurs implications.PHankel a écrit:Merci
Remarquable; car on ne saurait se faire une idée sur le bazar mis par P&W seulement en se basant sur le prix de vente d'un moteur de première monte.
Souhaitons que des "auditeurs", spécialistes impartiaux, pourront expliquer à la justice ce qu'est l'engine business.
Et que cette cour tendra l'oreille...
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Lun 16 Mai 2011, 23:40
Vous avez raison, a priori !Green a écrit:Merci de tout ceci
Puisque des A 380 volent et vont voler en GP 7200 et que, pour partie, le design P&W vient d'un vol de propriété intellectuelle
Airbus peut-il être accusé de recel ?
Si GE ( et Snecma ) semblent s'être protégés depuis un bon moment c'est que tous les membres de l'Engine Alliance savaient.
Donc, Airbus, le donneur d'ordre, aussi.
Concernant le GTF, ne pourrait-il pas en être de même pour Airbus, Bombardier, Mitsubishi ?
Pour les P&W 4000....Etc.
En effet, j'ai évoqué ces aspects sans un ou plusieurs sous les approches de "aiding & abetting" (genre d'incitation), et de 'complicité ' sans parler de "connivence" active !
Airbus ne pouvait pas ne pas connaître le premier jugement en faveur de RR !
Certains acteurs et observateurs se permettent d'arguer qu'Airbus avait un devoir de prudence et de "due diligence" de ne pas sélectionner le moteur de l'EA, sans que le litige soit réglé !
A voir !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mer 18 Mai 2011, 09:18
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18/05/11.SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence newsPartial power loss on Qantas A380 caused by oil leak
By [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Oui.An oil leak in a Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine has been identified as the cause behind a partial power loss on a Qantas Airways Airbus A380 this February.
The leak, which led to a gradual decrease in oil quantity in the number four engine, prompted the aircraft's flight crew to reduce the powerplant to idle thrust during a Singapore-London flight on 15 February. The aircraft, registration VH-OQC, did not experience further oil level variation during the rest of the flight.
Incident MRO dans un cadre d'Inspection obligatoire. Cela arrive. Ce fut déjà signalé. Rien à voir avec l'incident regrettable que nous connaissons.Inspections after the incident showed that there was an oil leak from an external high pressure / intermediate pressure (HP/IP) oil tube at its connection to the engine case, said the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
The ATSB add that it is now conducting a "holistic investigation" into the oil leak and other reported cases of oil leaks in Trent 900 engines.
Checks of the tube involved in the February incident showed that the attaching nut had less than the required torque, said the ATSB. "A torque check of the tube revealed the attaching B-nut was at 80 pound force/inch. The correct torque value for the B nut was 240 pound force/inch," it added.
Des cas avaient été vérifiés et déterminés. Un recommandation de prudence avait faite, me semble-t-il, et tous les moteurs ont été ou seront déposés, pour bien vérifier, et faire les remplacements des B-nuts réellement ou potentiellement concernés.It is not certain how the attaching nut had less than the required torque.
Ce sont les faits.An uncontained engine failure last November involving another Qantas Trent 900 engine had led to inspections of all of the airline's Trent 900s. These inspections involved the removal of the HP/IP oil tube to allow for an internal borescope inspection of the engine, said the ATSB.
"Specific torque procedures for the re-installation of the tube were required on completion of the borescope. A review of the operator's maintenance documentation confirmed the correct installation procedure had been carried out," it added.
That inspection on the engine involved in the partial power loss was conducted 20 days before the leak developed, said the bureau. During this time, the engine completed 20 cycles and about 241 flight hours. There was no other maintenance carried out on the oil tube during the 20-day period.
During the incident, the engine's oil quantity began decreasing three hours into the flight while the aircraft was cruising near New Delhi.
The quantity continued decreasing gradually to about 3.5 quarts at about 7.5 hours into the cruise, said the ATSB. The oil pressure had dropped to 75 psi from 100 psi. The flight crew was then advised by the airline to reduce the engine to idle thrust for the rest of the flight, which stabilised the oil pressure at 45 psi.
Upon arrival at London, only 0.7 quarts of oil remained, said the ATSB. The oil tube in the engine was subsequently replaced.
C'est un problème jugé comme étant lié, hélas, à la mauvaise réinstallation, après les inspections, dans certains cas.The incident was not an isolated one as Qantas and another A380 operator have reported a total of seven HP/IP oil tube leaks due to "low torque of the attachment fitting", said the ATSB.
Oui."All of these incidents were following removal / installation of the oil tube to facilitate a borescope installation," it added.
"Manufacturing defect" = "manufacturing process defect" sur une série de pièces, bien identifiée, chez un fournisseur, bien identifié, et dont nous n'avons pas / personne n'a à connaître l'identité.Shortly after the 15 February incident, another incident involving decreasing oil quantity on another Qantas A380 was reported on 24 February. The engine in that incident, which also took place on a Singapore-London flight, was also reduced to idle thrust.
"As a result of the multiple events, the ATSB initiated an investigation... to conduct a holistic investigation into the factors surrounding these failures," said the bureau.
The ATSB is still investigating last November's uncontained Trent 900 engine failure, which has been traced to a manufacturing defect in an oil feed pipe in the IP turbine module.
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mer 18 Mai 2011, 10:05
Par prudence, comme je l'avais indiqué, dépose / remplacement de pièce, réglage et repose d'une cinquantaine de moteurs, où le travail "après inspection" (MRO) n'avait pas été bien terminé, paraît-il.
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DATE:18/05/11. SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
QF32 prompts removal of 53 Trent 900s from service
By [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Comme d'habitude, RR n'a pas attendu la directive. Les opérations se font rapidement, vraisemblablment, dans le cadre des accords TotalCare, et doivent représenter les broutilles que RR devraient prendre à sa charge dans la durée (sur 2 ans au maximum), comme des opérations courantes, et qui n'avaient pas à être provisionnés, sous les principes IAS, et selon les recommandations / stipulations des Auditors (Commissaires aux Comptes).
Oui ! Pas de défaut fondamental, comme l'avait allégué avec erreur Monsieur JOYCE (et d'autres grandes gueules, aussi) ! Bien sûr : "Manufacturing defect" = "manufacturing process defect" !The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which released an update into the 4 November 2010 incident on 18 May, said the engines were removed due to concerns over the wall thickness of the engines' oil feed pipes.
Investigations into the uncontained engine failure have so far showed that it was caused by a manufacturing defect in an oil feed pipe, which caused a section of the pipe to thin and subsequently crack. The crack led to a oil leak and internal oil fire that weakened the engine's intermediate pressure (IP) turbine disk, which separated from the turbine shaft and punctured the engine case and wing structure.
Ce qui confirme notre argument et point 'clé' que les libellés "A", "B" et "C" étaient bel et biendes identifications de "batch" / 'lot' (et, par là, des identifications "ad hoc", pour des questions de traçabilité de composantes / moteurs à certains lots de composantes, et de fournisseur, et non pas de type de moteur). Mod = "module" et non pas "model" !At the time of the incident, there were three oil feed pipe modification standards for the IP turbine case of Trent 900 engines, said the ATSB. The IP turbine case has been identified as module 51. In previous media reports, these modification standards were referred to as "mod A", "mod B" and "mod C".
The first modification standard, known as FW48020, was applied to 42 engines manufactured between October 2005 and May 2008. The second, referred to as FW59326, was on 67 engines produced between July 2007 and March 2009. Finally, the latest modification standard, FW64481, was applied to 97 engines manufactured between March 2009 and January 2011.
The uncontained engine failure, which prompted inspections of Trent 900 engines, subsequently led to the removal of 53 engines from service, said the ATSB,
All 42 FW48020 standard engines were removed because Rolls-Royce was "unable to establish whether these oil feed tubes had been manufactured to specification", it added. This was due to "a lack of measurement records" for the pipes.
Cela peut arriver (il suffit d'aller voir chez GE et P&W, et, hélas, souvent vers le début de la vie des différentes générations / types / familles de moteurs). Point à améliorer, tout de suite !Another 10 engines with the newer FW59326 standard were also removed from service, said the ATSB. Seven of these 10 engines had oil feed pipe wall thicknesses of less than 0.5mm, the minimum stipulated by Rolls-Royce. The remaining three engines were removed after an evaluation of their manufacturing measurement records. Overall, measurement records for a number of FW59326 engines were also unavailable, said the ATSB, which did not specify the number.
Problème de 'queue de cerise' dans le "process".Such records were available for engines with the latest FW64481 modification standard, but one such engine was removed from service as its oil feed pipe wall thickness did not meet the minimum limit as well.
A noter.All remaining Trent 900 engines met or exceeded this requirement, said the ATSB.
Toujours des AD de "non-modification" !The investigation into the incident is still ongoing, with the ATSB expecting to complete gathering of information into the case by end-July. It aims to complete analysis of this information by May 2012.
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mer 18 Mai 2011, 13:25
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18/05/11. SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence newsATSB focuses on Rolls-Royce's quality control in QF32 probe
By [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Oui. C'est la "Quality Assurance", composante du système de TQM ("Total Quality Management"), qui doit fonctionner mieux. Le problème est dû au fait du "process", dont un élément (selon des informations dans le domaine pubic) a visiblement inclu, dans le cas d'un fournisseur, une "opération" multi-étape, y compris l'assemblage d'un sous -ensemble. Ceci est une zone notoire de risque, dans n'importe quel "process", surtout si des endroits deviennent "scellés" et invisbles à l'oeil nu dans ledit "process".Australian investigators are reviewing Rolls-Royce's quality control procedures as a probe into last November's uncontained [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] engine failure on a Qantas Airways [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] continues.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), in an update on the 4 November 2010 incident released on 18 May, said it is studying how the engine manufacturer could have missed a defect in an oil feed tube, which had been identified as the cause behind an oil fire and the subsequent engine failure...........
Together with the United Kingdom's Air Accident Investigation Branch and Rolls-Royce, the ATSB is "examining the circumstances and missed opportunities with the potential to have detected the reduced wall thickness and offset counter bore of the oil feed tube" before, during and after the manufacturing of the IP turbine module case.
The bureau is also reviewing the quality audits and quality assurance system as part of the manufacturing process and assessing how effective they are in detecting defects, it added
Il semblerait que l'opération / série d'opérations ait été modifié, pour éliminer ce risque du "process" ! Autrement dit, le "nouveau process" / "process modifié" serait devenu un élément actif, partie intégrante, de la composante "assurance qualité" !
C'est bien ! A voir !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Sam 21 Mai 2011, 00:32
Un pont supérieur réservé à la Business. On se rapproche de la configuration de Korean Airlines.Singapore Airlines' remaining A380s to have 409 seats
Singapore Airlines is to reduce the seating density on its remaining [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] A380s by 13%, slashing the economy-class cabin in favour of more business-class accommodation.
The airline is to fit just 409 seats in the eight outstanding A380s which it has on order.
Singapore Airlines' in-service fleet of 11 A380s are configured with 471 seats. These comprise 12 first-class and 60 business-class seats, plus an economy cabin seating 399.
But a spokesman for SIA confirms that while the 12 first-class suites will stay, the business-class seating will be increased to 86 in the eight aircraft yet to be delivered.
The economy-class seating will be cut back to 311 seats.
SIA has not detailed the precise layout of the aircraft but its current 471-seat A380s have 311 economy seats on the lower deck, which could indicate that the 88 upper-deck economy seats will be replaced by 26 business-class seats - giving the [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] an all-business upper deck.
This reconfiguration will also mean SIA will operate one of the lowest-density A380s in the global fleet. Only Korean Air has fewer seats, having declared a 407-seat layout for its A380s, the first of which will be handed over on 26 May.
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Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mar 24 Mai 2011, 09:41
Qatar commence à peaufiner son occupation du terrain pour le Salon du Bourget (Emirates ne cherchera pas à lui faire de l'ombre ; "Entertainer Tim" va, probablement, attendre le Salon de Dubai pour faire ses déclarations, et passer d'autres commandes).
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DATE:24/05/11. SOURCE:Flight International
Qatar Airways plots Paris A380 and A330P2F deals
By Max Kingsley-Jones
Entre 10 & 15, ou, au maximum, entre 15 et 20. Pour ma part (avis personnel), je vois 12 + quelques options.[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] plans to increase its orders for the [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] at next month's [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien], and should also finally conclude a deal for the freighter conversion of its [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] passenger fleet. The airline currently holds orders for five A380s, with the first delivery scheduled for 2013.
CEO Akbar Al Baker said he plans to sign "a small order" for additional A380s, with the size still to be finalised but "it won't be a hundred aircraft".
Oui.Qatar Airways originally placed its order for the [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] double-decker in 2001 but deliveries have been progressively pushed back - both at the airline's request and because of production problems. Engine selection is still outstanding, although Al Baker says he expects to choose between Engine Alliance and Rolls-Royce by early next year.
Le dernier point est une 'fausse barbe' !The airline also looks set to resolve its long-running row with Airbus over the conversion of its 29 [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] and -300s to freighters. Its A330-200s are due to be replaced from 2012 by [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] 787s, and Al Baker has been pushing Airbus to launch a "P2F" cargo conversion programme. Although the airframer has been looking to launch a -300P2F conversion, it has been reticent about including the -200 at this stage, claiming insufficient "feedstock" of aircraft to justify a launch.
C'est astucieux !However, sources familiar with the situation indicate it has also been concerned that the availability of an A330-200P2F could further dampen demand for the already slow-selling new-build -200F. Al Baker said he expects to make an announcement with Airbus at Paris about an A330P2F deal. Once converted, Qatar Airways intends to transfer the A330Fs to its leasing arm. Some of these aircraft are earmarked for operation by its own cargo division, while others will be offered for lease to third parties.
The transaction should "hopefully" be completed in early June, Al Baker says, once regulatory approval is received.
"I will then be able to disclose more details about the tie-up," Al Baker adds.
"Wait & see", donc !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Mar 24 Mai 2011, 19:45
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Airbus Eyes New A380 Operator
Airbus potentially will announce an A380 order from a new operator at the Paris air show next month.
It is not certain the deal will be closed, but an order is possible, says John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer for customers.
Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker has also indicated he could place a top up order for the aircraft. Qatar has orders for five aircraft already placed, with the first due in 2014. Its nearest rivals, Emirates and Etihad have 90 and 10 A380 orders, respectively.
Qatar Airways this year could also make its engine decision for the A380 between the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 and Engine Alliance GP7200. Emirates and Etihad have opted for the GP7200.
Leahy says there are “several campaigns” underway for the A380-sized aircraft.
Airbus plans to take the aircraft also to the Moscow air show in August, hoping to interest Aeroflot in the mega-transport.
Moreover, he sees more potential for airlines to take high-capacity versions with more than 800 seats like Air Austral, noting that China could be a market for that set up.
Production slots available for A380 customers open up around 2015.
Jeannot- Membre
- Messages : 10002
Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mar 24 Mai 2011, 21:46
Merci, Jeannot.
On nous laisse entendre que le nouveau Client pourrait être Cathay Pacific, qui opterait pour la motorisation Rolls-Royce, c'est-à-dire la version améliorée du RR Trent 900, qui équipera les A380-800 de BA, notamment, et dont les spécifications avaient impressionné fortement Tony TYLER (et ses co-dirigeants) avant son départ chez IATA.Jeannot a écrit:Airbus devrait annoncer un nouveau client pour le 380 au Bourget[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] Eyes New A380 OperatorAirbus Eyes New A380 Operator
Airbus potentially will announce an A380 order from a new operator at the Paris air show next month.
It is not certain the deal will be closed, but an order is possible, says John Leahy, Airbus chief operating officer for customers.
Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker has also indicated he could place a top up order for the aircraft. Qatar has orders for five aircraft already placed, with the first due in 2014. Its nearest rivals, Emirates and Etihad have 90 and 10 A380 orders, respectively.
Qatar Airways this year could also make its engine decision for the A380 between the Rolls-Royce Trent 900 and Engine Alliance GP7200. Emirates and Etihad have opted for the GP7200.
Leahy says there are “several campaigns” underway for the A380-sized aircraft.
Airbus plans to take the aircraft also to the Moscow air show in August, hoping to interest Aeroflot in the mega-transport.
Moreover, he sees more potential for airlines to take high-capacity versions with more than 800 seats like Air Austral, noting that China could be a market for that set up.
Production slots available for A380 customers open up around 2015.
On nous dit que Cathay aimerait avoir une expérience concrète de quelques années dans l'exploitation de ce Super-Jumbo, avant de prendre livraison ultérieurement du modèle qui l'intéresse vraiment, soit la version "stretch" A380-900, que cette Cie. voudrait, sans doute, commander dès que cela sera possible !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Mar 24 Mai 2011, 21:55
Jeannot- Membre
- Messages : 10002
Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Mar 24 Mai 2011, 22:00
Mais, d'une manière générale, Cathay Pacific n'aime pas passer ses commandes pendant les grands événements que sont les Salons aéronautiques !
Le bon plan est : "Wait & See" !
Oui, Jeannot, mais cette information pourrait être de l'intox, aussi !Jeannot a écrit:Superbe information ! De mon coté je penchais pour Turkish Airlines.
THY est, bien sûr, une possibilité !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Mer 25 Mai 2011, 10:23
Airbus Plans Higher Max Takeoff Weight For A380
Airbus has finalized an A380 design package available to airlines allowing them to fly the aircraft farther or with more payload.
The design changes are available as an option to airlines and boost the maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft by four metric tons to 573,000 metric tons. The change would enable the aircraft to fly 120 nm farther or carry the equivalent of 20 more passengers.
Airbus is now in discussions with airlines about who want to take the option. The new weight variant is available starting in 2013, says program chief Alain Flourens.
The upgraded version introduces a slight modification to the wing twist on the A380 to improve efficiency, features a number of weight savings and, in some areas, slight reinforcements. “We simply sharpened our pencil.”
No engine changes were required to achieve the higher performance, says the Airbus official. Nevertheless, Rolls-Royce and Engine Alliance are looking at upgrades to introduce to their powerplant offerings on the A380, although Mary Ellen Jones, president of the General Electric/Pratt & Whitney joint venture, says right now Engine Alliance remains in the evaluation stage.
Meanwhile, Airbus is preparing for flight certification of new Koito Industries seats for Singapore Airlines, and deliveries will restart in a few weeks.
Flourens notes that progress in production is clearly being made, but concedes that seat issues and supply bottlenecks on the Trent 900 following last year’s uncontained engine failure on a Qantas A380 that has eaten up spares supplies will mean deliveries are heavily backloaded in the second half. Lead time for production, however, is significantly down, he stresses.
Production, meanwhile, is set to continue ramping up, with a goal of reaching three aircraft per month next year from about 2.5 aircraft per month this year.
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Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Sam 28 Mai 2011, 12:57
Radar de recul
Suite aux deux collisions au sol qui ont affecté des A380 d'Air France (à Roissy et à New York), demande a été faite aux ingénieurs de trouver rapidement des solutions pour aider l'équipage à éviter ce type d'incidents. Ainsi Airbus étudierait le problème en suggérant de mettre, en bout d'ailes, des radars de type avertisseur de recul tels qu'ils existent sur les voitures haut de gamme. Sauf que ces derniers n'ont pas une portée suffisante et que des radars plus puissants contribueraient à perturber l'environnement électromagnétique de l'avion.
Jeannot- Membre
- Messages : 10002
Localisation : Vexin 78
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Dim 29 Mai 2011, 06:06
MAS se décide ! On voit poindre la fin des caprices de cette Cie. ("je prends.... ; j'annule ; vous aime, .... moi non plus .......; non, je ne fais que reporter mes dates de livraison préférées ; .... ça y est, ... je prends, .... mais il faut vous mettre d'accord tout de suite avec moi ! "
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DATE:27/05/11. SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
MAS details A380 delivery plan
By [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Enfin !
Cela est sûr !The airline, which has six A380s on order, said it expects to take delivery of five of them in 2012. The remaining one will arrive in 2013. In 2010, MAS said that its first A380 will be delivered in April 2012.
MAS' A380s will "primarily serve the Kuala Lumpur-London and Kuala Lumpur-Amsterdam routes", said the carrier.
Oui ! Mais seulement pour les retards qui soient vraiment imputables à Airbus ! Ce dernier n'a tout de même pas compensé la Cie. pour ses propres erreurs de gestion, notamment de gestion financière ! ?The airline has had the delivery of its A380s delayed several times, and has received compensation for the delays.
NB : moteurs RR Trent 900.
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Lun 30 Mai 2011, 05:31
John LEAHY s'excite (il y a peut-êttre de quoi ) ! Il ne peut plus attendre le Bourget !
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Leahy: A320neo sales, A380 performance highlight strong 2011
By [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] | May 30, 2011
Wow ! Colmbien de clauses "revolver" & "switch" veut-il ?Airbus COO-Customers John Leahy told ATW that 2011 is shaping up as a strong year for the manufacturer. "Look at our A320neo [currently 332 orders, commitments and undisclosed MOUs]," he said during an interview in Toulouse last week. "They've been taken by storm. The market has spoken that this kind of aircraft will be needed."
He predicted additional A320neo orders will be announced at next month's Paris Air Show.
Wow ! Ce n'est pas ce que disent les analystes ! Il s'agirait plutôt d'une opération à somme nulle ! Lufthansa et l'Allemagene ont bien pigé ! D'autres, aussi ! Entre le "blarney" de LEAHY & Co., et la comédie de "+++&&&+++", il faut insérer la sagacité de Steve UDVAR HAZY ! "Bring on Steve ! Bring back SUH " !Leahy also touted the A380 program and noted Airbus will offer an option to increase maximum takeoff weight to 573 tons, adding 120 nautical miles to its range. Leahy said the variety of markets to which the aircraft is operating, pointing in particular to Emirates serving Manchester with an A380, was not anticipated by Airbus. "I never expected" it go to MAN, he commented. "Everywhere [EK] goes with the A380, they're adding business."
Ne pas oublier Qantas !He conceded that an A380 order from a US airline is not expected anytime soon: "There are just two US airlines which operate 747-400s [Delta Air Lines and United Airlines]. That could change when US carriers get more competition from A380 operators, such as on routes to Asia. Nevertheless, we're happy that Air France and Lufthansa are serving seven destinations in North America" with the A380, enabling the product to be demonstrated in the market.
Réactions chez nos Forumistes ?Korean Air took delivery of its first A380 last week ([Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]). China Southern Airlines is slated to take its first A380 in the second half 2011. Next year, A380 deliveries to Malaysia Airlines and Thai Airways are on the list.
As of April 15, the worldwide A380 fleet had operated 270,000 flight hr. on 30,000 revenue flights. Currently, there are 48 A380s in service and 233 firm orders from 17 customers.
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Lun 30 Mai 2011, 06:11
Kingfisher n'est pas pressé de prendre livraison de ses A380 !
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Kingfisher 'In No Hurry For A380s'May 27, 2011
Ceci résume bien le bonhomme, tel que nous le voyons depuis des années, .... dans le domaine public, ... n'est-ce pas ! ?Kingfisher Airlines is in no hurry to take delivery of five Airbus A380 superjumbos it has on order and could push their arrival beyond 2016, Kingfisher chairman Vijay Mallya told reporters.
Bien sûr !India's second-busiest airline is also holding off making a decision on which enginns to put on the A380, postponing a choice between Rolls-Royce and a group led by General Electric and Pratt & Whitney.
Du réalisme, tout de même !"We haven't decided the delivery dates yet," Mallya said in an interview, asked when the USD$350 million jets would be in service.
Pressed on whether it would be in 2016, he said: "That, I would say, is the earliest. We don't really need that kind of capacity right now. Five is a lot of seats to fill."
C'est noté !Loss-making Kingfisher was reported earlier this year to have delayed taking delivery of the 525-seat airliner for a second time until 2016, from an original date of 2014.
Cela a bien convenu à Kingfisher ! ;)The aircraft has been hit by over two years of production delays but the setback suits some airlines whose cash flows have been squeezed by the financial crisis and high oil prices.
Asked about the choice of engines, Mallya said: "There are two engine choices available, we haven't decided which one we are going to go for."
Les motoristes savent que Kingfisher est un client 'à problèmes' !
Nos Forumistes ont, surement, des anecdotes intéressantes, au sujet de Kingfisher !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par SEVRIEN Lun 30 Mai 2011, 07:02
"Forget it" ! Rien de nouveau, sinon que la possibilité d'une remotorisation des B737 NG semble s'intensifer !
Intox ?
Aussi, la ressuscitation des B787-10 / -10X ? Pour remplacer le B777 -300ER, aussi ?
Boeing & les analystes (surtout ceux des USA) ne veulent pas admettre que :
- l'été indien des B777-300ER soit dû aux seules compensations pour les retards sur le programme B787;
- l'actuel projet, A350-1000, qui sera défini d'ici à la fin de l'année 2011, a déjà mis dans l'ombre le B777-300ER, ainsi que le concept de sa motorisation GE90-115B, technologiquement vieillot même par rapport à la génération des RR Trent 900, mais surtout par rapport aux RR Trent 100à ET Trent XWB .
- selon les standards actuels et "going forward", la config. cabine, en 3 classes std., selon les normes modernes de confort spacieux, ne permet pas à Boeing de dépassser les 300 / 315 dans le B777-300ER,
- selon les mêmes normes et standards en config. cabine, l'A350-XWB-1000, permet à Airbus d'accueillir de manière confortables 350 passagers !
En ce moment-là, c'est Boeing qui sera en mode "catch-up" / 'de rattrapage', car l'Airbus A350-XWB sera en train de montrer à quel point le B777-300ER est du "old hat", tout comme l'A380-800 actuel (même sans parler de la version "stretch" A380-900) montre à quel point le B747-8I est, aussi, du "old hat" !
- Messages : 20088
Re: Airbus A380
par Jeannot Lun 30 Mai 2011, 14:39
Work will begin next week, on the repair of Qantas’ first A380 (MSN014), which suffered an uncontained engine failure on a Singapore to Sydney service in November last year.
Repair work will be done in Singapore, and is estimated to cost over AUD$100,000,000.
The frame is currently going under weekly preservation checks, which includes rotating the tires and checking the avionics. The windows have also been covered, to prevent interior fading.
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Jeannot- Membre
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Jeannot- Membre
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Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
Jeannot- Membre
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Localisation : Vexin 78
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» AIRBUS A380-800 "IGW" ?
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» AIRBUS A 330-300 P2F
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