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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Patts Mar 07 Juil 2009, 09:03

Les syndicats de personnels de cabine rejettent le plan de réduction de coût. Du travail pou W.Walsh car BA est en difficulté, la concurrence au RU est réelle...

Airwise : July 6, 2009

Cabin crew union members at British Airways on Monday rejected the company's proposals to reduce costs,
including pay freezes, new contracts for cabin crew and 3,700 job cuts, Unite union said.

"There was an overwhelming rejection of BA's proposals, including a new rate for starters, a pay freeze and changes to crewing patterns that are quite profound," a union spokesperson said.

More than 2,000 of the union's 27,000 BA members were meeting at Kempton Park Racecourse in Middlesex.

They backed a union plan, which the union spokesperson said would save the troubled airline up to GBP130
million pounds (USD$212 million).

The next step would be to return to the table for talks, mediated by conciliation service ACAS, on Wednesday, she said.

British Airways reiterated its view, stated after talks with the union broke down on July 1, that it wanted ACAS to facilitate future meetings.

Chief executive Willie Walsh has been trying to drive through cost cuts at the airline in what he has described to staff as a battle for survival.

It has cut planned spending by 20 percent in the current year, including deferring orders for 12 Airbus A380 aircraft, and is cutting 3,700 jobs on top of 2,500 lost in the year to end-March.


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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par CarrK Dim 12 Juil 2009, 22:34

Augmentation de capital possible si nécéssaire pour BA !

Sur Aerocontact :

LONDRES, 12 juillet (Reuters) - British Airways (BA) a obtenu l'assentiment de ses actionnaires pour augmenter son
capital si nécessaire, rapporte l'Observer dimanche.

Le directeur général de BA, Willie Walsh, a sondé une dizaine de grands actionnaires du groupe sur l'idée de les mettre à contribution lors d'une réunion fin juin au siège de la banque d'affaires Merrill Lynch, précise le journal britannique.

Selon The Observer, les analystes estiment que la compagnie britannique pourrait être contrainte à un moment ou un autre de lever 500 millions de livres (580 millions d'euros), si le trafic passagers ne reprend pas.

La plupart des actionnaires de la compagnie aérienne estiment qu'une augmentation de capital de BA sera à un certain stade inévitable, a déclaré un gérant de fonds présent à la réunion et cité par le journal.

BA a déclaré lors de la réunion qu'elle pensait qu'elle n'aurait pas besoin de faire appel au marché sauf cas de dégradation très importante du marché ou en cas de grève cet été, rapporte encore The Observer.

Un porte-parole de BA s'est refusé à tout commentaire.

(David Holmes, version française Danielle Rouquié)

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Wax Mar 14 Juil 2009, 17:42

Mise au point de BA. Le problème, comme pour tous, est le balance sheet et la valorisation des fonds propres.
La recapitalisation est une option.

L'article d' Airwise :

July 14, 2009

British Airways said on Tuesday the timing was not right to raise funds in a rights issue, but it was looking at other options to improve its battered balance sheet.

Chairman Martin Broughton said BA was in discussions with its institutional investors about exploring opportunities in the convertible market, which it said was the best way to increase cash reserves.

A weekend news report suggested the airline had received support from some of its shareholders for a major rights issue, a move seen by analysts as an absolute last resort.

Broughton told the airline's annual shareholders' meeting it was clear that deficits in the group's pension schemes would be higher than the GBP1.74 billion pounds indicated last September.

The valuation of its funds was likely to be down by at least GBP1.2 billion (USD$1.95 billion), he said.

The company could not afford to increase its own contribution -- which totalled more than GBP1.8 billion in the last three years, he added.

"It is a sobering thought that this level of contribution is far in excess of our cumulative profits, which have been GBP1 billion, over the same period," he said.

The company will agree a revised funding plan with pension trustees after a review, he said.


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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Fragen Ven 17 Juil 2009, 08:10

BA cherche à lever 600 millions de £. La crise de liquidité est bien présente et on peut voir, avec les diverses infos présentes dans ce topic, que pas mal d'options sont ouvertes. Le plus fort du credit crunch semblant passé, une solution à ce problème est possible :

Sur Flight ;

British Airways is looking to raise £600 million ($987 million) in cash to increase its liquidity in the face of "difficult trading conditions" amid the ongoing economic crisis.

"Following discussions with institutional investors, we're taking action to improve our liquidity and strengthen our position within the industry," says BA chief executive Willie Walsh in a statement to the London stock exchange.

"This goes hand-in-hand with our cost reduction and efficiency initiatives which are designed to create the right conditions for our sustainable, long term profitability. It also supports our continued investment programme to maintain
our position as a leading global premium airline."

The carrier says that it will launch a £300 million convertible debt issue that will also be offered to existing institutional shareholders. These unsecured bonds will be due in 2014 and can then be converted into ordinary share capital. The final size of the offer will be determined at the time of pricing, likely to be later today. This bond issue is subject to shareholder approval.

BA has also agreed with the trustees of its UK benefit pension schemes to release some bank guarantees back to the airline. These were provided in 2006 and accessible by the trustees only if the carrier became insolvent. As a result, up to $540 million of bank facilities, or approximately £330 million, will be available for BA to draw in cash before 21 June 2012.

As at 30 June, the airline had around £1.25 billion of cash and general facilities of around £130 million.
The additional funding will give it total liquidity of around £2 billion. The airline says that it has obtained facilities of more than $3 billion specifically against future aircraft deliveries.

BA says that it is expected to show revenues of approximately £1.98 billion and an operating loss of around £100 million when it releases its results on 31 July. This is "is slightly better than market expectation", it adds.

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Prat Ven 17 Juil 2009, 11:10

BA pense à vendre Openskies ( anciennement L'AVION ).

C'était déjà une rumeur, ça le reste à ce stade, mais BA a fait appel à une banque conseil pour analyser toutes les options.

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Voltige Lun 03 Aoû 2009, 09:44

W. Walsh, CEO de BA, ne voit pas d'amélioration rapide de la situation.

22 avions seront "parqués" pour la saison d'hiver. Traitement de "cheval" pour faire face à une crise de liquidité sans précédent.

Sur ATWonline :

British Airways reported a £106 million ($174.3 million) net loss for its fiscal first quarter ended June 30, reversed from a £27 million profit in the year-ago period, citing "volatile" yields and "trading conditions [that] continue to be very challenging."

CEO Willie Walsh said the carrier sees "no visible signs of improvement" in its ability to generate revenue, but he noted that "traffic volumes [that] are down considerably" have "stabilized" and "show some signs of improvement for the peak summer months."

In addition, he said cost reduction initiatives are "beginning to bear fruit," with total operating costs down 6.6% year-over-year for the three months ended June 30. "But with revenue still weak, there is much to be done," he added, noting that BA plans to park 22 aircraft during its 2009-10 winter schedule.

The airline lowered its forecast for capital expenditures in its current fiscal year by 20% to £580 million and said cap-ex will remain at that level in the following FY as well. Walsh added that the company's recently announced plan to raise £600 million in new liquidity "considerably strengthens our financial position" [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].

Fiscal first-quarter revenue lowered 12.2% to £1.98 billion and BA swung to a £94 million operating loss, reversed from a £35 million operating profit last year. Yield declined 9.7% to £6.06 cents. "Yield uncertainty continues to make revenue forecasting difficult," BA stated. In addition to difficulties on the passenger side of the business, it said its cargo revenue decreased 28.1% in the quarter with volumes down 11.5% and yields 18.8% lower.

BA said its summer passenger capacity will be down 3.5% year-over-year while its winter capacity will be 5% lower.

by Aaron Karp

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Messages : 3425
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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Zitek Mer 05 Aoû 2009, 21:44

Saison estivale....? Le trafic de BA cesse de chuter dans un environnement très concurrentiel.

Sur Aérocontact :

LONDON, 5 août (Reuters) - British Airways a annoncé mercredi avoir transporté au mois de juillet 1% de passagers de plus qu'au même mois de l'année précédente, et prévoit une poursuite de la hausse d'ici la fin de l'été, une perspective saluée par une hausse du cours de l'action.

Après avoir publié la semaine dernière, pour la première fois de son histoire, une perte au titre du premier trimestre de son exercice et s'être montrée pessimiste quant à une éventuelle reprise, la compagnie aérienne britannique a enregistré une augmentation de son coefficient d'occupation de 3,1 points, à 84,6% en juillet.

"Les volumes sous-jacents et le taux d'occupation des sièges se sont stabilisés au premier trimestre et devraient progresser durant la haute saison d'été" a déclaré la compagnie, malgré une chute persistante du nombre de passagers voyageant en première et en classe affaires, qui atteint 11% sur un an.

L'action British Airways gagnait 7,3% à 161 pence à 14h00 GMT, soit une hausse de 25% par rapport au mois dernier.

La compagnie à bas coûts Ryanair a transporté 19% de passagers en plus au mois de juillet par rapport au même mois
de l'année précédente, et son coefficient d'occupation a atteint 89%.

(John Bowker, version française Catherine Monin,
édité par Marc Angrand)

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Fowl Mer 26 Aoû 2009, 21:42

British Airways a 90 ans

La tourmente dans laquelle se trouve British Airways ne l’empêche pas de fêter les événements importants de son histoire. La compagnie britannique n’a donc pas oublié son quatre-vingt-dixième anniversaire le 25 août.

A cette date en 1919, son ancêtre Air Transport & Travel Ltd réalisait le premier service quotidien international au monde en reliant Londres et Paris. Le vol a été réalisé en 2h30 par un Airco De Havilland 4A, à bord duquel ne se trouvait qu’un seul passager. Il a décollé de l’aérodrome Hounslow Heath et atterri au Bourget.

Pour célébrer l’événement, un pilote de British Airways a reconstitué une partie du vol, dans la campagne du Kent, à bord du plus ancien De Havilland Tiger Moth capable de voler.

L’anniversaire est également fêté de façon moins confidentielle par l’exposition d’un drapeau du Royaume-Uni composé de 126 000 cristaux Swarovski et prêté par le cristallier dans le hall du terminal 5 de Londres Heathrow. Il y sera visible jusqu’en septembre.

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British Airways celebrates 90 years of leading the travel industry, since Transport & Travel Ltd (a precursor to British Airways) launched the world’s first commercial flight which departed from London to Paris on August 25 1919.

Since then, the airline has carried more than 1.2 billion customers on its extensive route network, and become recognised as one of the world’s elite carriers.

Paying tribute to the airline, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said: “British Airways has never lost the pioneering spirit and vision that saw it take to the skies with the world’s first daily international flight from London to Paris on this day in

“Ninety years on, the world’s most iconic airline is still proudly flying the flag and remains a great British brand. Many congratulations to all its staff - past and present, on this special day.”

British Airways chairman Martin Broughton said: “Over the past nine decades, British Airways has played its part in many historic episodes. We provided the first air links to far-flung capitals in the days of empire, flew Winston Churchill across the Atlantic during wartime, brought Queen Elizabeth back to Britain after the passing of George VI, repeatedly led the way with aircraft innovation and have often proudly transported home our sports teams from success overseas.

“We have a rich history supporting Britain and will carry this forward to our centenary and beyond.”

90 years on from that first Paris flight, British Airways now offers up to nine daily flights to the French capital of fashion and romance, all ideal for a Paris holiday British Airways offers great deals on a wide range of Paris hotels, coupled with affordable fares on flights.

The airline is marking its anniversary in a variety of ways. Swarovski, has loaned a giant bejewelled Union Flag to the airline. The stunning 4ft by 2ft artwork is embossed with more than 126,000 crystallized Swarovski Elements and will be in the British Airways arrivals lounge in Terminal 5 until September.

An internal exhibition will showcase memorabilia from nine decades of travel, while customers in Terminal 5 have been treated to members of the BA cabin crew, along with TV personality Kirsty Gallacher, modelling vintage uniforms in the terminal in the run up to its anniversary week.

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Kylie Minogue,

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Invité Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 12:15

La belle queue des concordes BA !

Une pensée aussi pour toutes les cies agrégées depuis dans BA
dont BCal

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Il en reste des traces.

Bon vol


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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Terryan Jeu 27 Aoû 2009, 19:58

BA va bientôt réceptionner son premier Airbus A 318 dédié à la liaison top class entre London LCY et JFK

Sur Flight :

British Airways is scheduled to receive its first [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] tomorrow, one of a pair the carrier will be using on all-business transatlantic services.

Flightglobal will be on board the aircraft during its delivery from [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]' Hamburg Finkenwerder plant to London Gatwick.

BA is to operate the 32-seat aircraft between London City Airport and New York JFK from 29 September.

Airbus has been conducting a series of flight tests with the CFM International [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]-powered A318, serial number 4007, at Finkenwerder.

BA's new service will operate via Shannon on US-bound flights.

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par V_Nuiss Dim 30 Aoû 2009, 22:33

Captain Burkhill de retour ! Very Happy

Du Mirror :

The hero pilot who saved 152 people by landing a stricken jet at Heathrow airport made his final flight for BA yesterday.

Staff cheered as Captain Peter Burkill's flight from Orlando touched down at Gatwick, before fire trucks sprayed it with water - a traditional send-off for retiring pilots.

The 44-year-old was at the controls of a Boeing 777 which narrowly avoided crash landing in January last year after its engines failed.

He has taken voluntary redundancy. His wife Maria, 34 - onboard with their three children - said:
"It was very emotional."

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par PHYLEAS Mar 01 Sep 2009, 23:23

Une vue d'artiste du 318 de BA dont le premier exemplaire a bien été juste livré.

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Certifié pour les steep approach, utile au LCY

British Airways brings scheduled long-haul flights to city centre airports

Airbus has delivered the first of two A318 aircraft equipped with 'steep approach' capability to British Airways.
The A318 is the largest commercial aircraft certified to land at steeper than usual gradients and has the potential to
transform long haul travel between city centres, saving time and cost to the business traveller.
The delivery makes the carrier a new operator of all four members of the A320 Family, allowing British Airways to benefit from the fullest possible advantages of Airbus' unique operational and maintenance commonalities.

The A318's 'steep approach' capability makes it ideal for operations out of mountainous or otherwise constrained locations such as urban area airports where the aircraft also satisfies strict low noise regulations. British Airways A318s will each be equipped with two CFM 56-5B9/3 engines.

Willie Walsh, British Airways' chief executive said: "The A318s were specially ordered for the twice-daily London
City - JFK service because of their size, flexibility and 'steep approach' capability and will reinforce our unrivalled schedule between two of the world's greatest financial centres.
The A318 may be our smallest aircraft but it has a big role to play in bringing a new dimension of style and convenience to the London - New York route and shows our determination to invest in the future."

"The A318 has the best capability and range of any commercial aircraft serving city centre airports. It enables operators to open new premium routes with enhanced cabin comfort standards thanks to the widest fuselage of any single-aisle aircraft," said John Leahy, Airbus Chief Operating Officer, Customers.

In British Airways' layout, the A318s' Club World cabin will feature a spacious layout with 32 seats that convert into full lie-flat beds, equipped with OnAir connectivity, allowing passengers to work during the flight with email, web
surfing and mobile phone text messaging. The two A318s ordered will join a fleet of 11 A321s, 37 A320s and 33 A319s already in service.
British Airways has a further nine A320s and 12 A380s on firm order from Airbus.

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par AeroFirst Jeu 03 Sep 2009, 10:54

BA entraine ses équipages aux steep approaches sur la base aérienne de la RAF à Lyneham

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Spawn2 Dim 27 Sep 2009, 21:16

Les tableaux de Planespotters sont bien utiles. Il manque seulement la motorisation mais c'est du beau travail.

Voici le flotte de British Airways

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Spawn2 Dim 27 Sep 2009, 21:16

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Spawn2 Dim 27 Sep 2009, 21:17

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Spawn2 Dim 27 Sep 2009, 21:17

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

Message par Spawn2 Dim 27 Sep 2009, 21:18

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British Airways : BA: BAW : Empty Re: British Airways : BA: BAW :

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