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Antonov 225 record

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Antonov 225 record Empty Antonov 225 record

Message par Nils Mer 19 Aoû 2009, 04:33

L' Antonov 225 a soulevé 174 tonnes !

L’unique Antonov 225 "Mriya" a une nouvelle fois intégré le Livre Guinness des records après avoir transporté la plus importante charge d’un seul tenant de toute l’histoire de l’Aviation le 17 août.

L’hexaréacteur ukrainien a ainsi décollé avec un générateur de 174 tonnes accompagné d’un châssis spécial, la charge emportée totalisant ainsi 187,6 tonnes.

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Ce générateur a été embarqué depuis l’aéroport de Francfort Hahn jusqu’à Erevan (Arménie) où il sera mis en service dans une centrale électrique à gaz.

L’An-225 détient déjà plusieurs records de transport dont celui de la charge maximale avec l’emport de 247 tonnes de marchandise.

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Antonov 225 record Empty Re: Antonov 225 record

Message par AeroFirst Sam 22 Aoû 2009, 09:33

Un autre petit article sur le "Ruslan" An 124 dont il est question au salon russe MAKS

D'Airtransportnews :

Today at Moscow International Aerospace Salon ÌÀÊÑ-2009 Vice-President of OJSC United Aircraft Corporation (OAK) Victor Livanov, General Designer of Antonov Design Bureau Dmitry Kiva and President of Volga-Dnepr Group Alexey Isaikin approved specifications for the design of new upgraded version of unique freighter
aircraft An-124-100 “Ruslan”.
The new airplane will be created as a part of the Programme for resumption of serial production of An-124 family aircraft.

The specifications have been developed by OJSC OAK and Antonov Design Bureau with involvement of primary customer for An-124-100 – Volga-Dnepr Group – as a part of the scope of cooperation under the An-124 Programme.

According to the approved document, the airplane will be able to carry up to 150 tons of cargo, and its flight range will be increased to 4,000 kilometers at maximum payload (15,000 kilometers at zero payload). Crew number will be reduced to 3 members. Significant elements of the new specifications are deep modernization of avionics system and improved operating performance of the aircraft.

“Over 19 years of its commercial operation, An-124-100 has become an indispensable tool for integrated industrial logistics of outsize and heavy cargoes. None of currently existing freighter airplanes is able to offer similar capabilities,” – stressed Alexey Isaikin, President of Volga-Dnepr Group.

According to ADB’s General Designer Dmitry Kiva, “modernization and resumed production of the “Ruslan” today is one of the most important joint projects for Russia and Ukraine. Implementation of the Programme not only would allow to secure leading positions in the outsize and heavy air cargo market for both States, but also facilitate development of
science, engineering and economy, since more than 280 Russian enterprises and nearly 80 Ukrainian companies are expected to be involved in the Programme.”

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